What is Mirena?

Mirena, is FDA approved, and it is an intrauterine contraceptive system, more commonly known as an IUD.Mirena is manufactured by Bayer. An IUD functions as a contraceptive by making the uterus produce white blood cells and prostaglandins. This makes the uterus a hostile environment for sperm. IUDs are marketed, and accepted by the medical community, as very effective and cost saving form of contraception. Mirena is different from other IUDs on the contraceptive market in that it also releases the hormone levonorgestrel into the body. Levonorgestrel’ s intended effect is to reduce the frequency of female ovulation, thereby decreasing the likelihood ofconception.The release of this hormone acts as a second guard against pregnancy. The combination of these two simultaneous methods of contraception makes the likelihood of conception a mere 1%. Mirena, and similar hormonal IUDs are also used, although to a much lesser extend to treat: Menorrhagia (heavy periods), Endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, Adenomyosis, Dysmenorrhea, and Anemia.

The use of Mirena is marketed by extolling its many advantageous over other common forms of contraception. These include: it is effective for five years, it can be used by nursing mothers, fewer menstrual cramps, lighter periods, doesn’t commonly interact with other medications, and it is highly effective.However, there are very real dangerous associated with Mirena that you need to be aware of.

Some of the more common side effects include: (i) amenorrhea- this is the complete absence of a period; (ii) intermenstrual bleeding and spotting; (iii) abdominal/pelvic pain; (iv) ovarian cysts; (v) headache/migraine; (vi) acne; (vii) and depressed/altered mood. Mirena can also have adverse reactions with certain types of drugs including: (i)insulin; (ii) Coumadin; (iii) steroids.

However, beyond these most common side effects women need to be weary of much more serious side effects. These include:

  • Abscesses: This collection of accumulated pus that inflames body tissue. This can result as the IUD, which is small plastic device, is a foreign object that inserted through the vagina into the uterus. The presence of the device can irritate the uterus can cause an abscess.
  • Embedmentof the device in the uterus. This is usually discovered when a woman is trying to have her IUD removed. This can be dangerous can it can puncture the uterus. Commonly, this will require a D&C (Dilation and curettage) procedure for removal, where a doctor has to surgically use a sharp instrument and suction, through the vagina, to forcibly remove tissue and the embedded IUD from uterus.
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): this is an inflammatory infection that affects the uterus lining, the fallopian tubes, and/or the ovaries. This can dangerous because although PID can be cured, it can have long last effects- including infertility. The presence of Mirena is one of the recognized causes of this disease. The infertility that results is because scar tissue forms as a result of PID which can block the fallopian tubes. In some of the more serious PID cases a hysterectomy (the complete removal of the uterus) had to be performed.
  • Peritonitis: this is an infection of the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneal cavity is the space inside the abdomen that separates ones internal organs from the abdominal wall. An infection in this part of the body is very serious and can be fatal. Peritonitis can cause serve, constant, and localized pain in abdomen. Peritonitis that is caused by Mirena is likely to result in localized pain in the lower abdomen, around the pelvis, as it this portion of the peritoneal cavity that is most likely to become infected. What makes this condition so dangerous is that it can inflame the intestines, causing them to stop functioning entirely. The intestines are a part of the human digestive system; they work to process and sort the vitamins, minerals, and waste product of the foods and liquids the body takes in. This will cause the stomach to fill with fluid, which will cause one to persistently and violently vomit. Peritonitis commonly requires lifesaving surgery- because it is absolutely fatal if left untreated.
  • Ectopic (tubal) Pregnancy: this is a pregnancy that occurs when the impregnated embryo implants itself outside the uterine cavity. These pregnancies, in a vast majority of instances, are not viable. However, they are dangerously life threatening to the woman because they can cause an internal hemorrhage. Most ectopic pregnancies occur when the embryo implants itself in the fallopian tubes (which is why it sometimes referred to as a tubal pregnancy). However, it can also occur within the cervix, the ovaries, or the abdomen. An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that can often fatal if left untreated. The adhesion of the embryo to the lining of the fallopian tube, for example, invades the space of essential blood vessel which will cause internal bleeding. Sometimes, this bleeding alone can be enough to threaten the life of the woman. More than 50% of ectopic pregnancies are fatal if left untreated.
  • Migration of the device to another part of the body. Mirena can move from it’s intend position at the top of the uterus to other parts of the body, which can cause serious infection and inflammation. Depending on where the device migrates this can be serious also. In cases where Mirena migrates outside of the uterine cavity, often the uterus has been punctured by the migration which can lead to infertility and other serious side effects.
  • Perforation of the intestine: this can be very dangerous effect of Mirena migration. If Mirena migrates outside of the uterine cavity, it can perforate other organs including the intestines. This can be fataland cause infertility. Other problems include: infection, intestinal obstruction, organ damage, adhesions and internal scarring.

There are a number of warning symptoms. If you suffer from any of the following symptoms after having a Mirena IUD inserted by a medical professional, call a doctor immediately: (i) severe cramps or pelvic pain; (ii) extreme dizziness, feeling like you might pass out; (iii) heavy or ongoing vaginal bleeding, sores, or smelly discharges; (iv) severe pain in your side or abdomen; (v) fatigue accompanied by easy bruising or bleeding; (vi)fever; (vii) infection; (viii) pain during sexual intercourse; (ix)sudden or severe headache, confusion, problems with vision, sensitivity to light;(x) yellowing of the skin or eyes; or (xi)any sign of an allergic reaction, swelling inflammation, etc.

Filing a Mirena Lawsuit:

If you have been injured by Mirena, then you need to contact an attorney immediately. The experienced Mirena attorneys at Dolman Law Group are ready and willing to help you and your loved ones deal with this very sensitive and important matter. Our dedicated attorneys and legal staff are experienced in evaluating Mirena claims. Please contact us today about scheduling a free and confidential evaluation of your case. It is important to understand that if we take your case, you don’t pay anything unless we recover you compensation for your injuries. We are here to fight for you.